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A Day at the beach

                 Today is my birthday,so we are going to go to the beach.My bum was so tired from sitting in the car.We had driving for five hours.Wait!We are almost at the beach…It’s enough!I opened the window.The odor of dad’s smelled like a dead fish was under the car seat.YA!We are at the beach now.As dad was parking the car,the clear blue sea was  shining in the afternoon sunlight.The waves were swooshing onto the sandy beach.Dad said,”Lets go for a swim!” “OK!”I said.Yuck!The salt water tingled in my mouth.Mom asked,”Would you like something sweet to drink?” “Yes!”I said.Today is a wonderful day.Later I can have a big cake too!


2 thoughts on “英文文章

  1. 大部分都不是你寫出來的

  2. 我相信MA的實力! 持續加油! 可以寫出更棒的短文!


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