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GS27 Weekly Challenge

第一題: 這篇文章主要是在講一個女孩,雖然自知跑步和跳高等方面都技不如人,但還是勇敢地代表學校去參加比賽。最後果然如預期般地輸了,但她並沒有為此傷心難過。當她向媽媽訴說自己是最後一名時,雖有一抹失落,眼神仍閃耀光芒。我覺得這是一篇看似普通,但具有深度含意的一篇文章,老師真是會選呀!

第二題: 我認為老師選這篇文章的用意是希望我們能像文章中的人一樣,勇於嘗試,不要害怕會輸。唯有不怕輸、繼續努力的人,才會進步。『與成功有約』一書的作者史帝芬.柯維(Stephen R. Covey)是這麼說的: 「人生最值得的投資就是磨練自己」,結果雖然重要,但是最重要的是過程!


Posted on 2 則迴響


A Day at the beach

                 Today is my birthday,so we are going to go to the beach.My bum was so tired from sitting in the car.We had driving for five hours.Wait!We are almost at the beach…It’s enough!I opened the window.The odor of dad’s smelled like a dead fish was under the car seat.YA!We are at the beach now.As dad was parking the car,the clear blue sea was  shining in the afternoon sunlight.The waves were swooshing onto the sandy beach.Dad said,”Lets go for a swim!” “OK!”I said.Yuck!The salt water tingled in my mouth.Mom asked,”Would you like something sweet to drink?” “Yes!”I said.Today is a wonderful day.Later I can have a big cake too!
